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Don’t look at fertilizers as food for your plants, it’s not. Your plants food come

from photosynthesis where it take sunlight, carbon dioxide, water and creates

sugars and starch, that’s the food for the plant. Look at fertilizers like vitamins

for us humans, it helps with better growth, better immune system, better root

growth and better water uptake.

Only add fertilizers when your plant is feeling well. There may be many reasons

why your plant may not feel well or even look good, nutrient deficiency is

rarely the case. It could be something else, you might have over watered the

plant, caused root damage, may not be receiving enough sunlight, may even be

too much sunlight, it’s too hot or its too cold. Take care of that problem first,

and when your plant is feeling well, growing and glowing, that’s when it really

needs fertilizers.

Never over fertilizer your plants. Use the recommended dose on the bottle.

We tend to over fertilizer our indoor plants, thinking it helps with growth, but

actually you are doing more harm to your plant. Usually, indoor plants are

given liquid fertilizers and they dissolve in water. What they dissolve into is

actually salt. That salt, is the simplest form, which the plants extracts. When

we over dose these plants with the fertilizers, we are actually turning the soil

into salt, and that can potentially kill your plants. Your plants need to be

fertilized when its actively growing not during the dormant period.

Avoid using organic compost to fertilize your plants. But its okay, out in the

nature, where there is a natural breakdown process, microbes, bacteria, fungi

and worms helping the breakdown process, and making it more accessible to

the plants roots pick up the nutrients. However, in the closed environment of

our pots, that same process is not available. It’s fine as a potting mix for your

indoor plant, but not as a direct fertilizer material.

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