Plants should be repotted time to time for optimal growth. Usually, repotting is done during the growing season, by default in the spring. Repotting is considered as simple task by many, but there is always a risk, as plants some time do well after repotting.
Follow these tips below for repotting
1. On the day of repotting, make sure the soil if half dry, as it is easier to remove them from the pot without breaking the root ball.
Check the plant every day for new shoots, at the same time, how well the plant is coping with the stress. If the plant sheds some leaves, don’t be alarmed, it is normal. Usually plants shed a few leaves during this process.
Repotting plants should not be done frequently, usually once, every one or two years is a good approach.
Look for signs that the plant is struggling in its container. One good indicator, roots growing out through the drain holes. This is a sign, that the plant is root bound. Also roots matted at the top of the soil. These are signs that the plants roots are tangled have no space to grow further in that pot. Other signs like, experiencing slower growth rate than normal during the growing season and water draining out in a flash while watering. This is sign that the soil is not able to capture the moisture also not enough soil medium. Because of this, the plants don’t get enough nutrients and moisture for growth. They always appears dehydrated.
2. Repot in the evenings, as it will cooler, and less stress is transferred to the plant.
3. While removing the root ball from pot, check for pests like maggots, root worms or fungal infections. Treat them with a good dose of fungicide before repotting.
4. Choose the right container size for repotting. A good thumb rule, always choose 2 sizes bigger, not any bigger. If your plant comes from a size 8 pot, your new pot should not be bigger than size 10.
5. While repotting, prepare a nutritional pot mix as this will be the growing season of the plant. Use seaweed pellets, they know to reduce transfer stress in plants.
6. Add a layer of mulch and water the pot thoroughly. Place the pot in indirect sunlight for week to further reduce, transfer stress.
We need not have to water newly transferred plants every day. Water them when they grow dry to the touch. You can start watering them as normal as new shoot of leaves arrive.